Recruits cooking test announcement

24 May

Hi platoon 1 and platoon 2 recruits, your cooking test will be conducted as follows:

Date: 11 June 2022
Time: 2:15 – 4:45pm (2 hours 30 minutes)
Location: Basement 2

Food to cook:
Group work – Fried Rice
Individual – Sunny Side Up Egg

1. Mess tin
2. Fork, spoon and spatula, knife, plates, cloth and etc (anything you need to cook your food)
3. 5 solid fuels and hex stove will be provided. (No mestins or equipments will be provided)

Total Marks: 10 marks


• Strictly NO precooked food allowed, all of the food has to be prepared on the spot, nothing should be prepared at home that includes your rice, chopped vegetables/meat, frozen vegetables, canned meat, etc

• A minimum of 2 vegetables and 1 meat should be seen in your fried rice.
– If you have a vegetarian in your group, 3 vegetables and no meat.
– Garlic is not counted in the 2 vegetables.

• EACH of you will need to cook your own sunny side up to go with your fried rice, the egg is to be cooked sunny side up style separately, means that the egg white and egg yolk should be clearly visible and unmixed

• Limited amount of 5 solid fuels per group, if your group needs more, 0.5 marks will be deducted for each solid fuel you add.

Note: Time management is important! Plan your time wisely and take this into account for your food preparations, cooking, cleaning etc.

Please read through these details and practice cooking at home with your mess tin to ensure the test runs smoothly 🙂

All the best!