Drill Basic Badge Candidates

25 Sep

Hi, Seniors! 

Here are a few things to take note for Drill Basic Badge.

Drill Basic Badge Candidates


  • Members who have passed all 4 aspects of the test are listed below. 
  • Not all members listed below are guaranteed the Drill Basic Badge, your attendance will be reviewed by the Awards OIC. 
  • Results are final, no appeals will be entertained. 
  • Members are expected to maintain their Drill and Uniform standard. If at any point one fails to do so, Drill Basic Badge will be revoked
Aiden Kong
Allyson Cheong
Choong Khai Xin
Ethan Leong 
Felix Chew
Hannah Chua
Hebe Foo
Izac Ng
Jamey Seow
Jane Tan
Janice Loh
Joelle Yeow
Johnathan Tu
Jonathan Lee
Jordan Chin
Josh Seow
Joshua Chew
Lee Yuan
Lee Yue Ming
Lemuel Loh
Naomi Yong
Ong Hang Le 
Ooi Wei Xuan
Rachael Chong
Samuel Kong 
Sarah Leong
Sophie Chan
Tricia Chong
Yeak Li Ying
Lim Qiao Yi 

Congratulations! Keep up the good work.


In His Service,

Cpl Jamey

Drill Basic Planning Team.