Dear Seniors and Recruits,
If you are interested in working towards attaining the Water Adventure during the upcoming Senior’s Camp, this swimming badge is a requirement that needs to be met. Here are the details on the swimming test.
Date: 1st May 2019, Wednesday (Labour Day)
Venue: Indoor swimming pool – Pusat Akuatik Darul Ehsan, Shah Alam
Session: 9.00AM – 11.00AM (9.00AM ready to jump into the swimming pool)
Attire: Proper swimsuit/trunk and goggles (no board shorts for males)
Cost: Bring RM5 per person as there is an entrance fee
Ensure that:
a) You are fit (healthy & able) to swim before attempting this badge;
b) You arrange your own transport to and from the venue. If you have any issues with transport, do inform earlier; and
c) You check the BB Handbook for all the requirements.
d) Pass your name to SSgt Samantha by 27th April 2019 (Saturday)
If you are interested in joining or have further inquiries, please message SSgt Samantha (017-6331500) via Whatsapp, stating your name and the level (Basic/Advance/Both) you would like to attempt.
Thank you and have a blessed week ahead.
SSgt Samantha