Physical Training (PT) Badge Basic

3 May

Physical Training (PT) Badge (Basic)

Hi recruits and seniors, as we are stuck at home, let’s not forget that health and fitness is important. Over the next 3 months (May-July), we’ll be allowing you guys to work on your PT Badge Basic Level. If you don’t know what that is, check your handbook. If you are interested and would like to join, please read the following details then proceed to filling up the Google Form.

Period of Programme:

  • 10 PT Sessions (09/05-12/07)
    -One session a week.
  • Specific day of the session will be determined after collection of names.
  • 4/7 and 11/7 will be Running Activity (if we return to BB)
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PT Basic Assessment Date:

  • 18/07/20


  1. ALL participants MUST attend all 10 PT sessions (Day TBC), unless valid reason.
  2. ALL participants have to enter a Zoom Call during the session. Attendance will be taken!
  3. ALL participants have to display 100% effort, commitment and focus during each PT Session. We will not tolerate skipping sessions or unresponsiveness.

Once you have read through the following details and would like to sign up for PT, fill in the form by clicking HERE.

•Pls submit form before Thursday (07/05), 6pm. Any forms received afterwards will NOT be accepted!

If there is any questions, you can refer to either Pvt Yi Xuan, Pvt Hebe, Pvt Lee Yuan or Cpl Jonathan Ng. (You can ask your squad leaders for their numbers if needed)